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Ways to Get Better at Recognizing Emotions

The Feelings Wheel

The Feelings Wheel was originally developed by Dr. Gloria Wilcox. Since its creation , there have been a variety of adaptations. This adaptation was created by LCSW and PTP founder, Chelsey Reese and is often used with clients to support emotional wellbeing.

The Feelings Wheel is a simple yet effective tool for exploring and understanding one's emotions. With its organized and comprehensive layout, this wheel can support individuals in identifying and expressing their feelings. This tool can be especially helpful for those who struggle to articulate or process their emotions, providing a visual aid to facilitate communication. Whether used in therapy sessions, by individuals looking to improve self-awareness, or by educators in a classroom setting, the Feelings Wheel can be an invaluable resource for promoting mental health and emotional well-being. This tool is not only educational, but also serves as a practical guide for promoting self-reflection and emotional intelligence.

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